The Full Series


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A journalist wants to interview an old and mystical man for years, not knowing why. When he finally listened to his fascinating story, everything came together and the journalist started his own transformation.
With a knowing smile, the old man brought him into his life’s story through spiritual discoveries, higher and higher, understanding, at last, the world he was talking about, the world where love never dies.
Upon the journey of their lives, when the old man was much younger, he and his wife, not really knowing where they were going, were living a lush life. They seemed to have it all. They felt that they could do anything they wanted with their futures. They were young and foolish, pure, and innocent.
One day, they were warned of a sudden change coming soon to their lives. Months later, all of a sudden, tragedy stroked; like a dark precipice over which they were about to fall, events turned their lives fearfully upside down.
This was a brand-new, terrifying beginning to their journey, and they had to grow wiser to succeed in their challenges.
From earthly possessions slipping away to well-earned discoveries, they would be filled with visions and daydreams. They would be guided all the way to a new beginning to achieve the impossible.
They would have to listen and take steps accordingly. They would have to listen because life would bring them right back to their unfinished business if they don’t, which seemed for everybody else impossible to overcome.
They will discover the challenges that shaped who they became. They will surprisingly end in a sense where finally it could have begun, like the first day they meet. Like if the final step to completion would be achieved only through a world of understanding where love never dies. They will not be the only ones to know, to assess this ultimate understanding of what real LOVE is…

Get inspired in your own search of your most important goal in life: your life purpose.

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